
Announcing “Power of Interfaces” workshop 2024

The European projects HarveStore, EpiStore, HyP3D and 24/7 ZEN announce the 4th edition of the “The Power of Interfaces” workshop, which will take place on 3rd – 5th April 2024.

Following the last successful meeting, where we hosted more than 80 participants, the workshop will be held in-person at the Caixa Forum of Palma de Mallorca (Spain), where we will discuss the latest advances in:

New materials for energy;
Solid-state devices for energy storage and conversion;
Advanced manufacturing;
Advanced characterization techniques;
Micro and nanotechnologies for energy devices.
The workshop will comprise of invited, keynote, contributed talks and posters. The event will be preceded by an international spring school covering aspects from fundamentals of materials to devices and systems. The spring school will take place on April the 3rd in the same venue and will be co-organized by EpiStore, HarveStore, HyP3D and 24/7 ZEN.

For further info: link.