The strategy

The μ-harvestorer technology is a new, complex knowledge: the Harvestore team lies at the edge of advanced material science, nano- and micro technology, industrial processes and unexplored societal needs.

Researchers at Harvestore will operate a synthesis of different disciplines for:

  • New strategies

    Developing advanced theoretical and characterization tools to model and characterize fundamental phenomena.

  • Research

    Carring out research on Iontronics and Nanoioncs.

  • Technology

    Founding new micro and nanotechnologies for the implementation of the μ-harvestorers

  • Applications

    Defining relevant application scenarios related to IoT.

  • Society

    Complying with economic and environmental aspects.

Harvestore relies on a multi-disciplinary consortium of European research institutions and industry, with a strong fundamental and technological background and cutting-edge knowledge in research and innovation. This requires great synergy between the different partners. Continuous activities of coordination and of detailed monitoring of literature and patents are part of the core of Harvestore.

Besides, we are committed to a detailed communication strategy not just towards the scientific community but also towards the general public. We want to make Harvestore a lighthouse for professionists and for society.