Juergen Fleig


Dr. Juergen Fleig is Professor of Electrochemistry at Technische Universität Wien (TUW) and Head of the Electrochemistry Divisionat Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics in the Faculty of Chemistry at TUW. He received his diploma degree in Physics from University of Tuebingen (Germany) and did his PhD research at Max Planck Institute of Solid State Research, Stuttgart (Germany), receiving a PhD degree in Chemistry in 1995. Subsequently, he worked as researcher at the same Max Planck Institute, lectured at University of Ulm (Habilitation in Physical Chemistry, 2002) and was visiting scientist at MIT, Cambridge (2002-2003) until he accepted the Chair of Electrochemistry in Vienna (2005). His research has centered on many aspects of defects, ion motion and reaction in solids, with emphasis on materials used in energy technology (fuel cells, batteries) and as dielectrics or piezoelectrics. These scientific activities brought recognition by the American Ceramic Society (Edward C Henry Awards), International Society of Electrochemistry (Tajima Prize), The Electrochemical Society (Fellow) and Austrian Academy of Sciences (Corresponding Member). He co-authored more than 190 papers in international journals (h = 43, >5800 citations).